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Decompiler Tech: Homepage

Reverse Engineering Services AND Source Recovery

Because of other commitments to other programming projects, combined with a lack of business and that combined with being unable to decompile most x86 software, we're giving up on our decompiler business.

We will be open sourcing the whole decompiler soon, so look forward to that!

Email us at but not about any custom decompiler work.

Processors the decompiler can deal with are:

You'll be able to decompile these when the decompiler is open sourced!

About RevEngE

The decompiler project called Reverse Engineering Emulator aims to provide a service to reverse engineers, who want to figure out how a program works, without spending hour upon hour of time doing it manually.

Unlike a reverse engineering service where a person does all the work, RevEngE does most of the work. Also, unlike the above service we offer, RevEngE will be software you pay for, download, and run on your home PC. This is different from Software As A Service (SAAS).

We're starting with 6502, then moving onto Z80, 68000 (and above), then x86, then x64, then ARM and PowerPC.

The decompiled code will lack register assignments - completely! Achieved with a few variable types:

Documentation for RevEngE6502

Go here for the basic instructions.

Download the Decompiler

To download RevEngE6502, go here.

[NEW!] Download Frodo/SuperSAM

Undocumented, but Frodo Menu - Tools -> SAM -> 'h' for help.

To download Frodo/SuperSAM, go here.
