Well, it's pretty impressive. It's very readable, and it's clear a key press causes the cursor to move, so obviously it's in game move mode.
void zol.usub_e1c7.txt() { Global_7792 = CursorShiftMapY; Global_7793 = CursorShiftMapX; Global_7790 = CursorPosInScreenY; Global_7791 = CursorPosInScreenX; Global_243 = CursorY_2; Global_244 = CursorX_2; Global_109 = 0; Global_246 = 0; if (LastInputKeyOrJoystick == 255) { return();// E1EF } else { if (LastInputKeyOrJoystick == 239) { return();// E1F4 } else { Global_246 = 1; Global_101 = CursorX_2; Global_102 = CursorY_2; Global_7977 = CursorPosInScreenY; Global_7978 = CursorPosInScreenX; if (LastInputKeyOrJoystick | 1) { if (CursorY_2 >= 0) { CursorY_2 = 35; }//EndIF; E217 if (CursorPosInScreenY >= 0) { CursorPosInScreenY = (CursorPosInScreenY + 1); Global_109 = (Global_109 | 1); if (CursorShiftMapY >= 0) { CursorShiftMapY = 35; }//EndIF; E22B }//EndIF; E22B }//EndIF; E22B if (LastInputKeyOrJoystick | 2) { if (CursorY_2 == 36) { CursorY_2 = 0; }//EndIF; E23D if (CursorPosInScreenY == 7) { CursorPosInScreenY = (CursorPosInScreenY - 1); Global_109 = (Global_109 | 2); if (CursorShiftMapY == 36) { CursorShiftMapY = 0; }//EndIF; E259 }//EndIF; E259 }//EndIF; E259 if (LastInputKeyOrJoystick | 4) { if (CursorX_2 >= 0) { CursorX_2 = 35; }//EndIF; E267 if (CursorPosInScreenX >= 0) { CursorPosInScreenX = (CursorPosInScreenX + 1); Global_109 = (Global_109 | 4); if (CursorShiftMapX >= 0) { CursorShiftMapX = 35; }//EndIF; E27B }//EndIF; E27B }//EndIF; E27B if (LastInputKeyOrJoystick | 8) { if (CursorX_2 == 36) { CursorX_2 = 0; }//EndIF; E28D if (CursorPosInScreenX == 7) { CursorPosInScreenX = (CursorPosInScreenX - 1); Global_109 = (Global_109 | 8); if (CursorShiftMapX == 36) { CursorShiftMapX = 0; }//EndIF; E2A9 }//EndIF; E2A9 }//EndIF; E2A9 if (Global_231 != 0) { Global_173 = Global_7788; Global_174 = Global_7789; Global_175 = CursorY_2; Global_176 = CursorX_2; if (usub_E550() >= Global_231) { CursorShiftMapY = Global_7792; CursorShiftMapX = Global_7793; CursorPosInScreenY = Global_7790; CursorPosInScreenX = Global_7791; CursorY_2 = Global_243; CursorX_2 = Global_244; Global_246 = 0; Global_204 = 0; return();// E2EA } else { Global_204 = 1; if (Global_109 == 0) { CursorRefreshBlank = 1; Global_91 = 3; usub_4499(); return();// E2FF } else { Dunno(Global_102); Global_125 = (((Global_7977 C:<< 1) + Global_7977) C:+ 1); Global_126 = (((Global_7978 C:<< 1) + Global_7978) C:+ 2); usub_E6E0(*TileBeingDrawn[0]); Global_109 = (Global_109 C:<< 1); SelectedMenuFunctionPointer-lo = ((Global_109 + Global_109) C:+ 57); SelectedMenuFunctionPointer-hi = (0 C:+ 227); goto Label_0; return();// E339 }//EndIF; E339 }//EndIF; E339 }//EndIF; E339 }//EndIF; E339 }//EndIF; E339 return();// E339 };