We see that Global variables 210, CursorType and 138 are being saved, and restored later. This is today's feature implementation.
void zol.usub_6917.txt(int Arg_acc) { Global_231 = Arg_acc; Global_210_old = Global_210; CursorType_old = CursorType; Global_210 = 3; CursorType = 1; Global_7788 = CursorY_2; Global_7789 = CursorX_2; Global_138_old = Global_138; usub_1CFB(); usub_1D9A(); usub_49B6(); Global_90 = 5; usub_4B32(); do { GetCurrentKeyOrJoystick(); usub_E1C7(); usub_6967(); if (Global_246 == 0) { }//EndIF; 6952 } while (LastInputKeyOrJoystick != 239);//LoopEndWh 6957 Global_138 = Global_138_old; CursorType = CursorType_old; Global_210 = Global_210_old; Global_137 = Global_201; return();// 6966 };